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Beautiful game, dirty money

FIFA has been all over the front pages of the Sundays (Sunday Times 16 November).  Leaving aside the uncontroversial proposition as to whether FIFA is a fit and proper organisation to run world football, the relevant proposition for current purposes is the importance in business of ESI (electronically stored information).

The story recounts the efforts made by the staff of Bin Hammam (Qatar’s football supremo) to destroy incriminating evidence.  Apparently they shredded personal files and deleted emails, raising concerns that crucial evidence had been destroyed.  However in spite of this the Sunday Times has been provided with electronic messages unearthed from a cache of hundreds of millions of leaked documents.

The moral, of this immoral tale, is that ESI is at once very easy and yet very hard to get rid of. Also that ESI is vital: vital to investigative journalists and vital to business.  Knowing what is going on in international football and knowing what is going on in your business comes down to keeping on top of your ESI, and that is where Prima Facie comes in.  Our mantra is that information is the father of analysis.  You cannot take any business decision without the right (electronically stored) information.  Contact us to see how we may be able to help you in this goal.

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