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Prima Facie re-launch

Welcome to the re-launched website of Prima Facie Consultants Limited!

Prima Facie is a unique consultancy which aims to lead your business to success by helping you control your business through providing pro-active, ever-present legal and commercial advice on your business needs and helping you analyse the facts to avoid potentially costly disputes.

We are delighted to announce that Hannah has joined the Company as Director of Prima Facie.

In addition to the information on our services set out on our website we will be using this blog to share our thoughts on the importance of dispute prevention, understanding the facts and their relevance before you make decisions, and receiving the appropriate advice at the right time.  As well as sharing some of our experiences to date and offering advice on how you can take advantage of new technologies combined with on-hand expert advice, we will be commenting on the latest news and developments relevant to your concerns and business needs.

Upcoming posts include our views on AlixPartners’ 2014 Litigation and Corporate Compliance Survey and posts about our aims and motivations.

In the meantime, if you would like to contact us to find out more about our services, please do email us:


© Prima Facie Consultants Limited 2016 Legal